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Effects of grazing regime on ground-nesting birds: Crystal Springs Community Pasture, Saskatchewan P. Curry & Ducks Unlimited Canada.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: Saskatchewan : 2000Online resources: Abstract: The Crystal Springs Community Pasture is a 2137 ha (5280 ac) bush pasture located near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan. Located in the boreal transition eco-region, it is composed of native popular bluffs,wetlands, and seeded perennial grass and legume species. Individual cattle herds are rotated through four to five paddocks on a once-over rotation from late May to mid-October each year. Paddocks grazed early one year are not grazed until later the following year. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of grazing intensity and timing on upland nesting songbirds within the grazed portions of the pasture. From 1997-99, assessments were made of : nesting cover quality, abundance of birds and individual species productivity within paddocks that were grazed early, grazed during the census period and had grazing deferred until later in the season.

CD# 1 file DUC050.PDF

The Crystal Springs Community Pasture is a 2137 ha (5280 ac) bush pasture located near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan. Located in the boreal transition eco-region, it is composed of native popular bluffs,wetlands, and seeded perennial grass and legume species. Individual cattle herds are rotated through four to five paddocks on a once-over rotation from late May to mid-October each year. Paddocks grazed early one year are not grazed until later the following year. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of grazing intensity and timing on upland nesting songbirds within the grazed portions of the pasture. From 1997-99, assessments were made of : nesting cover quality, abundance of birds and individual species productivity within paddocks that were grazed early, grazed during the census period and had grazing deferred until later in the season.

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